Software de código aberto é feito por pessoas como você. Saiba como iniciar e expandir seu projeto.
It's Friday! Invest a few hours contributing to the software you use and love:
Want to contribute to open source? A guide to making open source contributions, for first-timers and for veterans.
Learn more about the world of open source and get ready to launch your own project.
Help your open source project grow by getting it in the hands of happy users.
Building a community that encourages people to use, contribute to, and evangelize your project.
Fazendo sua vida como mantenedor de projetos open source mais fácil, do processo de documentação até o apoio à comunidade.
Growing open source projects can benefit from formal rules for making decisions.
Sustain your work in open source by getting financial support for your time or your project.
Ajude a manter um comportamento saudável e construtivo da comunidade adotando e aplicando um código de conduta.
Make informed decisions to help your open source project thrive by measuring and tracking its success.
Everything you’ve ever wondered about the legal side of open source, and a few things you didn’t.